Should I date a celebrity?

Celebrities are shown have amazing live but they also have their struggles everyday. No once life is perfect and everyone has to go through a bad phase. But dating a celebrity is something that a lot of people want. So if you want to know whether you should date a celebrity or not then you should take this quiz to find out.

Should i date a celebrity?

When is the most famous profession in the whole world is being a celebrity. Because you get to get famous and earn a lot of money while doing what you love. Being a celebrity looks very amazing and happening from the outside but it also has a negative side to it. They might be having everything that normal people don't have but normal people don't have to go to every person looking into the personal life everyday. Normal people don't have to worry about going to the public place without any problem. There are a lot problems about being the celebrity. But dating a celebrity is one thing that a lot of people wish for. There a lot of reasons why people want to date is celebrated but dating celebrity also has some negative aspects.

Get to knoe if you should date a celebrity?

If you want to know whether you should date a celebrity or not then you should take the quiz to find out because these quiz is very fun and you will easily get to know your answer.


You should date a celebrity. 


You should not date a celebrity.